Could your Resident Services Director use additional data when discussing the need to move a resident to a different type of care? The kiosk is collecting data that shows the amount (and types) of care a resident has received over a certain time period, which can help inform the community and family of what level of care the resident needs. 

To view a Resident's data:

  • Log onto your Dashboard account and select "Care Report" under the Reports tab.  
  • Pick the date range of data that you’d like to view on the resident by selecting month or week, choosing a date in that month or week, and selecting 'Submit'. 
  • You will see a section that says 'Residents” in a green box on the left side of the page. 

Click on the word Residents in blue and you will be taken to the list of residents who have received care in your selected date range.

Find and click on the resident’s name you’d like to review. You will then see a list of all the visits that resident has received over the time period you are viewing. Helpful data on this page when discussing level of care needs includes number of care hours and service type.