With the 1.51 SafeCheckN update, we have added USB Permissions that will appear with each restart of the device, to improve thermometer connections and device performance. Moving forward, when you are required to restart the kiosk, please follow the instructions below to ensure a successful device reboot. 

  • Whenever you restart the kiosk, click "OK" on all 3 USB Pop-up windows, which should all appear on the initial Sign-In/Out screen. These establish connections to the camera, thermometer and kiosk. You should only see these pop-ups after rebooting the kiosk. If for any reason you do not select "OK" to these pop-up’s, you will have to restart the kiosk again.   

  • If you continue running into thermometer scanning or freezing issues after the update, the best solution is to swipe up on the kiosk screen from the bottom of the tablet. Once you swipe up, you’ll see three symbols appear on the bottom of the kiosk screen. Please click the "Square" icon, as seen below.

  • Once you select the Square icon, you'll then see a list of all open applications. Swipe up and click Clear All (in the upper right-hand corner). 

  • Should none of the above steps fix your issues, please restart the kiosk by holding down the power button on the back bottom right of the kiosk and select "Restart". You can also unplug the device and plug back in to restart the kiosk. 

For any questions or concerns, please contact us at support@safecheckn.com or call 470-523-9818.