• How do I download the Stylized report in the HCP COVID-19 Vaccination Cumulative Summary report?
    • To download either of the two versions of the Cumulative Summary, you must first click “Export to CSV” under the calendar selection.  Doing this will generate both versions of the report.  To download the NHSN-ready CSV version, click the “View Exported Files” button at the top.  To download the Stylized report, click the “View Exported Files” button near the bottom of the page.

  • Does this report also track exemption documents or declined vaccinations? 
    • Yes, there is a column for both medical and religious exemptions in the downloadable report.  If the individual provides these documents at sign-in then you will see the date in these columns respectively.
  • Do documents need to be approved to be counted in these reports?
    • For the Cumulative Summary, Yes. All documents must be approved when the report is pulled, or else they will be improperly sorted into the ‘unknown vaccination status’ column. Community admins should always review all submitted/pending documents before pulling this report.
    • Tracking Log: No, all visits will show on the report regardless of document approval status.  In the report, you will be able to see whether a particular visitor’s document had been approved or not.

  • If I have staff turned off on the COVID-19 document, will they be tracked in the HCP COVID-19 Vaccination Cumulative Summary report?
    • No, currently if an admin has turned off staff from the covid-19 vaccine requirements, then they will not be tracked in the NHSN report. We can only track the data we receive when guests sign in.

  • What happens if an individual signs in as multiple different service types in the given week?
    • Here are a few different scenarios;
      • Staff at your community signs in as staff throughout the week, then on Saturday they come back and sign in as a volunteer or other HCP service type. 
        • In this case, we still count them in the staff column of the cumulative summary even though their most recent visit was as a volunteer or other service type. Staff on your payroll will always show up in the staff column.
        • Note: At initial launch, staff will appear in both the staff column and the additional service type role they signed in under. At the next release, this will be addressed and from there on, staff are only to appear in the staff column regardless of additional sign-ins.
      • An HCP under the ‘Licensed Independent Practitioner’ group visits on Monday. The same person comes back another day in the week and signs in as a dentist or any other non-employee HCP category.
        • In this case, we will count them with whichever service type was selected at their most recent visit. So if their most recent visit was as a dentist, then we will count them in the ‘Other Contract Personnel’ group where dentists are sorted. We will show the most up-to-date vaccination details for service providers.

  • What do all these column headers in the Cumulative Summary CSV mean and how are they calculated?
    • While looking at the CSV version, you may wonder what the names in the column headers mean. Each column header is a field name given by the CDC to designate the specific parameters that the column is tracking.  Below is a link to find how the CDC defines each header and how it is calculated. In the second row, you will find vaccine brand names and numeric values.  The numbers are the total number of HCP in each category that fall into the various vaccination statuses.  
    • The following link is the CDC’s official table defining each header in the Cumulative Summary CSV: https://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/pdfs/hps/covidvax/grp-csv-hps-upload-10.1-508.pdf
The following link is the CDC’s official table defining each header in the Cumulative Summary CSV: https://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/pdfs/hps/covidvax/grp-csv-hps-upload-10.1-508.pdfThe following link is the CDC’s official table defining each header in the Cumulative Summary CSV: https://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/pdfs/hps/covidvax/grp-csv-hps-upload-10.1-508.pdf 
  • How do you calculate the numbers in each cell in the Cumulative Summary Stylized report?
    • Each cell in the stylized report corresponds to one of the column headers in the CSV as mentioned above. However, for simplicity, you can look at the column header and row title to see how each cell is calculated. For example, in the image below, the first cell is the total number of “All Core HCP” who came into the facility in the past week. Further, you can see how many individuals in each HCP category have either 1, 2, or more of the various doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. 
    • To learn more about how we calculate each field in the HCP COVID-19 Vaccination Cumulative Summary report, click here.