Why is my campaign being migrated?

  • We want current campaigns to benefit from the new features and make the data consistent across the board.

What are the new features and how will that affect my current campaigns?

  • We have 2 additional features that will directly impact your current campaigns.
  1. We have now introduced rating categories that allow you to choose between standard and custom rating categories. Due to the nature of how you type a custom question to be displayed, your rating category will automatically convert to a custom rating category. You can add up to 2 additional custom questions if you choose.

  • Your campaigns will automatically include 'Overall Satisfaction' as a rating category since that is what we use to determine if the rating was positive or negative.

2. We have also introduced a new way to send your visitors follow up review links. Google no longer has the feedback level option. Other website is now an option you can choose when you want to send visitors to any survey link or website or social media platform.

  • You can also choose to send visitors Nowhere and just run a ratings only campaign.

We have introduce other changes that allow you to have a more successful campaign. 

Do I need to do anything prior to the migration?

  • No. We will handle the migration from our side. When it is complete, we will let you know.

How long will the migration take?

  • The migration will be complete after the release

What happens to my previous data?

  • It's still there, but we will add more information to your campaign data that you didn't have before.

Here is the breakdown:


How will this new data be presented when I export my campaign?

  • Since your campaign is considered a custom campaign, your data will appear like the example below:


After Migration:

Why the the ratings scale change from emojis to stars?

  • We wanted a cleaner look and the ability to make it easier for visitors to leave a rating for multiple categories.

Have the review prompts changed? Have the asks for sending a review changed?

  • Yes and No.  Once an internal rating is complete there are three updated external review request options.
    1. Google Business Page review has been updated to comply with their review rules
      • This enables our future so that we can integrate with Google and attribute reviews to your campaigns audience.
    2. Website: put whatever link you want to send next.  A more detailed survey, a social media link.  Be creative!
    3. Nowhere:  If you just want to step your toes in the sand before sending an external Google link.  Great!  Try out asking for the internal ratings and learn how to operationalize the feedback in your community.  We can help too!